
Historic Tour of the Cemetery 2011

June 6, 2011

[ June 18, 2011; 10:00 am to 12:00 pm. ] Tim Cranston Tour of QMC Sponsored by Concerned Citizens of Davisville (CCOD)
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Saturday, June 18, 2011 from 10:00am – 12:00pm.  Come join us in front of the cemetery office located at 6365 Post Road, North Kingstown, RI

This fascinating tour is a special treat for history buffs, locals and lot owners of [...]

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Boy Scout Troop 152 North Kingstown replaces all Veterans Flags at QMC

May 14, 2011

Giving Thanks on Memorial Day 2011

Boy Scout Troop 152

Every year these hard working Boy Scouts from Troop 152 North Kingstown replace all the Veterans burial flags throughout the cemetery.  It is an enormous undertaking considering we have more than 1,350 Veterans resting with the gates of Quidnessett Memorial Cemetery.

Boy Scouts Placing Flags

This year the volunteer [...]

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Exeter/West Greenwich Brownie Troop 1152 and Junior Girl Scout Troop 436 Plant Flower Beds

May 14, 2011

Lot Owner Wendy Miller organizes gardening and fun activities with her Brownie and Junior Girl Scout Troops for the benefit of QMC

Brownie Troop 1152 Volunteers

For the past two years the Brownies, who are now Junior Girl Scouts, have been planting special flower beds at Quidnessett Memorial Cemetery.
On May 8, 2010, in addition to planting colorful [...]

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  • Quidnessett Memorial Cemetery

    Mailing Address: 6365 Post Road | North Kingstown, RI 02852 | Telephone: (401)884-7691

  • Copyright © 2010 – 2025  Mary E. Codd
    Website Design by Growing Minds, Inc.