Cemetery Guidelines for Floral Displays & Plantings

Flowers are an endearing way to remember loved ones.

Requirements for Planting in the Ground

If you want to plant flowers in the ground they must be planted within an in-ground planter in front of your monument.

If you desire additional plantings, such as small shrubs or ornamentals, you must receive approval by the General Manager.

Seasonal Displays Permitted

You are more than welcome to maintain a continuous floral display throughout the year. Between April 30th and October 31st all flowers must be natural. Artificial flower displays are only allowed between October31st through April 30th.

Types of Plants

We highly recommend deer-resistant plants. However, some lot owners do not mind the chewing down of petunias, for instance, and claim they become more floriferous after a deer snack. A few interesting successful plantings by lot owners include daffodils, bleeding hearts, columbine, astilbe, marigolds, blue ageratum, dusty miller, geraniums, wax begonias, impatiens, zinnia, mums and fall asters.

Lot owners may not plant or cultivate ornamental vines or plants on or around the graves without permission of the General Manager.

Watering Plants

The Cemetery does not assume responsibility for the watering of displays or plants on lots, during the time such displays or plants remain in the Cemetery.

There are water spigots and watering cans available throughout the cemetery located within 150 feet of your lot so you can water your own plants.

About Potted Plants

Potted plants cannot be staked or set into the ground and are left at the risk of the owner. They may be removed when wilted or unsightly at the discretion of the General Manager. They also make maintaining the grounds more difficult, as they must be moved when mowing the grass.

Please consider installing an in-ground planter in front of your monument if you regularly leave flower memorial displays on your family’s lot.

General Rules

The General Rules of QMC Corporation specify additional policies for plantings and displays on burial lots and cemetery grounds; copies are available from the Cemetery Office.

  • Quidnessett Memorial Cemetery

    Mailing Address: 6365 Post Road | North Kingstown, RI 02852 | Telephone: (401)884-7691

  • Copyright © 2010 – 2025  Mary E. Codd
    Website Design by Growing Minds, Inc.